Kangemi Church of God Child Development Center (KCoGCDC is a project in partnership with Compassion International Kenya and hosted by Church of God in East Africa, Kangemi. It was started in 1986 when the church signed a partnership agreement with Compassion International Kenya. It started with 100 children and currently has two hundred and seventy seven sponsorship beneficiaries. Of this 152 are in primary school, 90 in secondary schools, and 35 in middle level college and university. The total number of beneficiaries changes depending on a number of factors including beneficiary program completion and exit, beneficiary transfer and baseline recruitment. Kangemi Child Development Center exists to holistically build the capacity of children living in Kangemi and its environs through sponsorship.



     Message from the Patron 


      One of the ways of helping children realize their God given potential is to meet their basic needs in time. Kangemi Church of God is glad to be a vessel in God’s hands to reaching out to these children n youth.


    Message from the Chairperson 

      I thank God for Compassion Kenya and all supporters. Our team of staffs and accountability structure members delight in serving the children and youth with a goal of releasing each one of them from poverty in Jesus name


    Message from the Secretary 

      Child ministry is one of the greatest initiatives all over the world. Our future generations depend on how we will shape our children today. I am proud to be part of this initiative and more so serving in child support ministry


    Message from the Treasurer

    Every child and youth matters. Each of them needs a loving ,caring and dependable adult to guide them through life. It’s a joy to be one of those adults.

    Vision Statement 

     A project of excellence that provides quality and superior holistic child development services to needy children in Kangemi and its environs

     Mission Statement 

     We exist to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name by developing them spiritually, socially economically and physically through implementation of holistic child development initiatives

      Core Values 

     We are guided by the following core values in our operations 

    • Integrity

    • Timeliness

    • Professionalism

    • Compassion

    • Fairness

    • Stewardship

















      Message from the Project Director 


      Every child  and youth is dear to my heart. Seeing genune, long lasting joy and happiness of every child and youth makes me glad. I delight in being the conduit of God’s blessings over each child and youth and pray that they would live to realize all that God intended for them. 


       Message from the Accountant

       We cannot shape the past, but we can shape the future. Children and youth are our future,and I am glad to be part of the destiny shapers. Every child and youth must be known,loved and protected 


       Message from the  Social Worker 

       I thank God for the opportunity to serve in this great ministry, seeing children grow from 3- 22 years being fulfilled Christians adults. I pray and trust that as they go out, They will live an exemplary life ,relating well with others with the core values we have instilled in them, being the future leaders of this country and giving back to the community.(Mathew 18:5) Amen